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Primary data collection 

Competitor benchmark, Market sizing

In-depth interviews with market experts, players and customers

  • MKI will identify and contact relevant experts for 30 to 60-minute interviews


  • Profiles are adapted to specific market research in order to gather exclusive data


  • Collected information and feedback are analyzed and evaluated

Competitor benchmark, Market sizing

Online surveys

  • MKI organizes online surveys either in-house or through a partner company


  • As a cost-effective alternative to expert calls and focus groups, online surveys help understand customer behavior


  • Surveys are sent to recipients via mail, typically accompanied by compensation to incentivize participation


  • Our team maintain control over the quality of the raw data collected, reviewing, revising, and translating it 


  • The raw data is reviewed and presented in graphic of other format, according to your request

Competitor benchmark, Market sizing

M&A screening

  • ​Screening is a strategic methodology used in M&A research to identify and select potential targets for purhcase or merger who align with the objectives, values and needs of your business


  • Thanks to meticulous evaluation and analysis, MKI pinpoint potential target companies possessing the desired characteristics (i.e., industry relevance, financial stability, compatibility with your company portfolio, etc.)

External environment analysis 

Competitor benchmark, Market sizing

In-depth market data analysis

  • ​Market research initiatives are shaped by public or semi-public data, incorporating findings from other researchers regarding market trends, as well as needs and expectations of customers


  • Despite the recent surge of AI tools, meticulous analysis of public and semi-public data by human analysts remains invaluable for identifying current market trends


  • Furthermore, cross-checking collected data with exclusive market interviews enhances the utility of the global review for your business

Competitor benchmark, Market sizing

Competitor benchmark

  • MKI will compare your products, services, processes and performance with those of your leading competitors


  • Our experts will identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT analysis) in the context of the competitive landscape


  • Specific aspects of business operations including quality of service, pricing strategies, product features, marketing approaches and customer satisfaction will be analyzed


  • Competitor benchmarking serves as a tool for strategic planning, helping businesses stay relevant in their markets

  • Market sizing is a critical analysis technique used to estimate the potential of a market.  It may be carried out following 2 main approaches


  • Bottom-up starts at the micro-level, focusing on individual elements, such as the number of potential clients, units sold or companies with a similar offer, that will be taken into account to estimate the total market size


  • Top-down focuses on the macro-level, such as overall industry revenue or total market volumes, narrowing progressively to estimate the size of specific market segments

Market sizing

Customer insights 

Competitor benchmark, Market sizing

Focus groups

  • A focus group consists of a small number of representative customers selected to try a product, experience a service, or watch a video/picture


  • The group is prompted to provide feedback on their perceptions of the product/service, brand or competing products


  • MKI will analyze the gathered information, providing you with solid ground for decision-making about whether to launch, amend or terminate a product/service

Competitor benchmark, Market sizing

Store checks

  • ​MKI conducts comprehensive assessments of your retail stores, as well as those of your competitors, to provide an overview of customer experience


  • Our experts will evaluate different aspects such as store layout, cleanliness, product availability and staff interaction, comparing them with industry standards and desired outcomes

Competitor benchmark, Market sizing

Mystery shopping

  • MKI offers mystery shopping services across multiple channels to provide valuable insights into the customer journey


  • Our mystery shoppers will evaluate your brand's online experience, in-store interactions and client support, offering detailed feedback on service quality, response times and global customer satisfaction


  • We may also carry out mystery shopping activities among competitors, giving you a glimpse into their prices and practices

Product & service innovation 

Competitor benchmark, Market sizing

Product tests

  • As new products and services aim at delivering the highest value to clients, responding to their needs and expectations, getting feedback is a crucial step â€‹


  • MKI specializes in evaluating the appeal of your solution to both current and potential clients


  • Our experts will gather detailed feedback on various aspects of your product, including flavor, scent, appearance, texture and usability, providing you with tailored recommendations for enhancing it

Competitor benchmark, Market sizing

Packaging tests

  • Product package is a great way to gain client’s attention, improve brand awareness and differentiate your company from competitors


  • MKI will collect feedback on different aspects of your product, such as visual appeal, functionality, durability and environmental impact


  • You will receive personalized advices for enhancing your packaging design and improving its look and feel for clients

Competitor benchmark, Market sizing

Sniff tests

  • Sniff tests enhable you to evaluate the olfactory appeal of your products


  • MKI will assesses such factors as fragrance intensity, complexity and longevity of your cosmetics


  • We will gather detailed feedback from participants to provide insights into the perceived scent characteristics, including client preferences or cues for improvement

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